Rule #4: Stop the Honking

Between people talking, kids screaming, trucks roaring, trains zooming, construction rumbling, and cars stopping and going, a city is not the center of peaceful zen living. Which is why it's all the more annoying when people add honking to the mix-- not because they are about to get hit or because someone is sitting oblivious at a green light, but because they're not moving and that pisses them off.

I understand that sitting in traffic sucks and that everyone has somewhere they need to be, but contain your rage to shouting, pointing, and swearing like a normal human being. Nobody is psyched about gridlock, and if someone isn't making a turn in front of you, it's not because they hate getting somewhere on time, it's because the phrase "inadvertant manslaughter" exists.

Same goes for laying on the horn simply because you're frustrated that none of the cars ahead of you have moved for three light cycles. There's nobody at the front of the line going, "Oh shit, a horn, let's all drive unobstructed now." Think about it-- you're honking at "Traffic." That's like honking at "The Dark." All you're doing is being super loud and frustrating everyone else around you.


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